Fresh Eyes FIRST TAKE: "The Notebook"

 The Notebook (2004) - IMDb

Yep, you guessed it: I finally watched The Notebook

The Notebook is a cult classic, romance movie of all romance movies. I knew all of this before even watching the film! Just from hearing times it's been referenced, like: "I'm gonna go home and cry while watching the Notebook" tells me all I need to know: it's a comfort film. 

Annnnnd what did I think of it? The answer: I didn't hate it!

I know what you're thinking: Meg, you're a girl in your 20s, of course you liked the Notebook. But the reasons I liked it were not what you think -- In fact, I was VERY prepared going into it to scoff at every cheesy line and laugh at every overdramatic encounter. 

While watching, I made sure to note any shots that I found to be visually stunning.

21 Facts You Never Knew About "The Notebook"

Scenes on the boat... or in the abandoned mansion (specifically when she's playing that old, out of tune piano).. and their argument scene in the rain are just a few of the moments that made me go, "okay, now I get why this is the movie has had the lasting impact that it has."

I also appreciated the way that storylines were layered over one another, and the series of time-jumps back and forth helped the storytelling in order to reveal who the older characters were at the end. 

That's not to say I thought the film was perfect. In fact, there are certain things I didn't really enjoy. This goes back to a bit of our discussion on misogyny in film -- I feel Noah's character at the beginning of the movie is a bit... stalker-ish? Understandably, the "boy who keeps on trying until they get a yes" trope was desirable back in 2004 when the film was made, but now it isn't as much. Now, it just comes off as pushy and inconsiderate. So yeah, I didn't like how obsessive his character seemed, especially at first. 

I didn't love all of the character choices for Allie, either. Especially at the beginning, it seemed like she didn't care about him at all! I remember writing in my notes: "Does she really like him, or does she just like the adrenaline she feels when she's with him?" Her apathy, especially at the beginning, made the relationship seem very one-sided and awkward. 

As far as the actors go, I thought their chemistry was great and they did an amazing job. It's just some of the character choices I didn't agree with. 

So, will I be binge-watching The Notebook every weekend with a pint of ice cream? No. But do I understand why so many people love this film after all these years? Absolutely. 


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