Here's The Thing About Me....

Here's the thing about me....
I don't like movies. 

No matter what you call them-- a movie, film, cinema -- I've never liked them. Ever. And I'm not sure why. Maybe it has something to do with the length -- maybe it's easier for my brain to digest film in smaller segments, like in a television show. Perhaps something to do with the way plot lines are suspiciously tied up in a 2 and a half hour timeframe, when in reality, life is much more complicated than that. 

Think of your most classic movie titles-- I've never seen them. Why? Because I've never had an interest. So much so, that when a friend asks me, "Have you seen ____?" I simply reply to that question with another question: "Is it a movie?" If their answer is yes, then my answer is no. Because I simply never watched movies. 

I know what you're thinking: Meg, this is a film class. Why the heck are you here? 

Well, that's the thing. I don't watch movies. ... But I also don't want to be that way forever. I have a deep appreciation for television -- which is essentially film's little cousin -- so much so that discussing and analyzing television is one of my favorite things to do. Why can't I apply that passion to film? This is what I want to discover in this class. 

Let's be clear: am I planning on hating every film we study in this class? Absolutely not. On the contrary, I'm hoping that I leave this class being lover of films, just like everyone else on planet Earth.  

This is why my blog, titled Fresh Eyes: Film Critiques, aims to establish that I approach films from a much different lens than the average person. But, I also thinks that makes for interesting discussion. 


  1. I definitely appreciate the authenticity and honesty that comes with this blog post. I totally agree that some movies are too long! For example, any movie over 2 hours and 30 minutes has to be the most interesting movie, or it is hard to finish in one sitting. My favorite longer movie that has kept me entertained the ENTIRE time was Forrest Gump. I hope that you are able to find some movies that you like this year! (Thumbs up)

  2. It is very common for a person to not like a movie because of a long time length. Personally for me when it's something I like, the time flies. For me those would be movies like Avengers: Endgame, which is roughly three hours, and Spider-Man: No Way Home which is roughly two and a half hours long. Movies like the Godfather would be something that I think would drag because to me it can get really boring at times, and the time gets even slower. I also like that you are taking this class to see what outcome it'll have for you when it gets closer to the end.

  3. Other people here have said that engagement is the key and I don't disagree with that, but I think that some mediums just don't mesh with people as easily. I've noticed a lot of people recently saying that film is one of those for them and that's a shame, really. Good to hear that you've decided to see what all the fuss is about though. I promise it'll be worth it!


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